Hybrid filters

FLSmidth Hybrid Filters
FLSmidth hybrid filter technology is an ideal solution to improve the dust efficiency of an existing electric separator. Hybrid filter is a combination of electric separator technology and fabric filter technology.
FLSmidth has years of experience and expertise in reducing air pollution, including improvements that increase the performance, efficiency and durability of existing equipment.
Using a hybrid filter, part of your electric separator is adjusted to work with both EO technology and the fabric filter. The original part of the EO captures the majority amount of dust, while part of the fabric filter removes fine particles. In this way, the hybrid filter ensures maximum efficiency in particle removal. It is also less costly than a new fabric filter with lower operating costs.

Features and benefits
Increased performance – increase the efficiency of dust capture and, above all, emissions of fine particles, even if part of the EO is switched off.
Significant energy efficiency – less dust on filter hoses leads to lower pressure loss, fewer regeneration cycles and compressed air savings.
Greater reliability – constant low emissions despite different operating conditions.
Cost-effective – using the existing EO structure and less demands on the fabric filter makes the hybrid solution significantly cheaper.